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There are no dues to join or participate in the Younger Member Forum (YMF) of the Philadelphia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); however, we do highly recommend that you become a member of ASCE. For information about joining ASCE, visit: http://www.asce.org.
If you have questions about the YMF, would like to get involved, or wish to be included on our email list (1-2 per month), please email our Secretary at secretary@ymfphilly.org.
If you have an interest in serving on the board, or would like to know what our responsibilties are as board members, please read the descriptions of the various Board Positions and contact us at secretary@ymfphilly.org to discuss your interests.
To learn more about how the YMF operates, read the Bylaws which fall under the Constitution of the ASCE Philadelphia Section.