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On Jan. 10th, 2015, Kazi Hassan and Jesse Gormley led two breakout sessions at the 2015 ASCE Workshop for Section and Branch Leaders for Regions 1, 2, 4 and 5 on the topic of "Taking STEM to Schools." Each session involved a 15 minute presentation on what STEM is, why it's important, and talked about pre-college outreach activities and resources available through ASCE, including the ASCE Civil Engineering Club (CE Club) initiative. For the remainder of each session they took questions and facilitated discussion between attendees related to pre-college outreach and CE Club. Finally, they wrapped up the sessions by providing lessons learned, based on the Philadelphia Section's various outreach efforts, and again encouraged participants to use all of the resources ASCE offers.
After the presentation, Jeanine Finton (Senior Manager of Pre-College Outreach for ASCE) said "Kazi and Jesse's presentation 'Taking STEM to the Classroom' gave participants a solid grounding in all areas of K-12 outreach, from one time presentations to year-long Civil Engineering Clubs. Their practical advice benefited outreach novices and experienced presenters alike."