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The majority of ASCE members in the Philadelphia area work as consultants in the private sector. However, both private and public employees can greatly benefit from involvement in the organization. In an effort to reach out to civil engineers working in the public sector, the YMF held an information and recruitment lunch for young government employees on December 18, 2014. This event featured six presenters: Amanda Kessler, Nha Truong and Chris Renfro from the YMF and Ruben David, Bob Wright, and Chris Menna from the Philadelphia Section. These enthusiastic members of ASCE spoke to an audience of 40 employees from the City of Philadelphia, SEPTA, and local universities.
The lunch began with a presentation that discussed the overall organization of ASCE from the national and regional level to sections and branches. The size and strength of the Philadelphia section was highlighted, but the presentation also emphasized the benefits of being a member, such as the monthly magazine, technical institutes, career website, and government relations. With so many young engineers in the room, the presenters made certain to point out ASCE’s presence in social media.
Upon completion of the power point presentation, each of the six presenters took a few minutes to share their own personal experiences as members of ASCE. Although they ranged in age and experience, Amanda, Nha, Chris, Ruben and Bob could all agree that their time spent volunteering with ASCE not only enhanced their professional careers, but their personal lives as well.